The Modi Government’s budget- “Much ado about nothing”

Union Budget 2018-19 a hoax for farmers and people

Year after year, budgets are praised and criticised. I find all budgets good, as each budget allocates fund for various schemes/programmes. But when it comes to implementation of these schemes in a timely manner, I see miserable failure all around. While many false promises are made by all political parties, people expected a lot from … Read more

Not Health Insurance, India Needs Robust Public Health System

Modi sham health insurance scheme

The Union Budget 2018-19 has one major big-ticket gimmick that is trumpeted by the Modi regime as a significant programme – a health insurance scheme for 100 million families of the country, which includes 500 million people, with an insurance cover of ₹500,000 per household. This is, of course, the largest health insurance scheme run … Read more

Know why the Union Budget 2018-19 is an Anti-Farmer Budget

Union Budget 2018-19 is an anti-farmer budget - People's Review

Ever since Finance Minister Arun Jaitley tabled the Union Budget 2018-19, there has been a hullabaloo over the budget’s theme, which the corporate world and the mainstream media controlled by it labelled as a pro-farmer budget, much before the BJP laid the same claim on the last full budget of the Modi regime. This eccentric … Read more

Severe Economic Crisis Gripping India Under Modi’s Misrule

India Economic Crisis

After a brief lull, the Modi regime is going to face large-scale mass discontent and parliamentary opposition in the coming days as Indian GDP growth rate is going to fall to 6.5 per cent for the Financial Year (FY) 2017-18, as per the recent data released by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. This … Read more

Arun Jaitley Made ₹10 Trillion Worth Hoax Promise

Arun Jaitley peddles lies worth ₹10 trillion to dupe people

Narendra Modi government announced a ₹10 trillion investment to revive the economy, out of which ₹7 trillion will be spent in building infrastructure, especially 83,677 km of roads and highways and ₹2.11 trillion to recapitalise the PSU banks. The road building will be done under a fanciful name of Bharat Mala and the PSU recapitalisation … Read more

Arun Jaitley Claimed Demonetisation Reduced Terrorism – Really?

Arun Jaitley claims demonetisation reduced terrorism

There is a proverb in India that a thief’s voice is louder than that of the cop. Arun Jaitley is proving it correct by saying that the demonetisation exercise of the Modi government has sharply reduced terrorism in India. Following the historic behavioural pattern of RSS cadres, the finance minister, who is also a lawyer … Read more

Modi Screams at Corruption While Growing Rich

Modi and Jaitley had an increase in their wealth

When Narendra Modi started his campaign for the prime minister’s position during the 2014 general election, he and the entire Hindutva camp trained their guns against the Congress Party’s first family, the Gandhis, whom they blamed for all woes afflicting India and also alleged that the family has siphoned-off immense wealth to foreign shores and … Read more

Modinomics is the Harbinger of Total Economic Chaos

Modinomics the harbinger of total economic catastrophe

Modinomics is the new school of economics to which the Bhakts, the cheerleaders of Narendra Modi-led Hindutva fascist regime, subscribes to and they hail it as a powerful weapon to get rid of all the woes of the poor and take India to the plane of development that Modi promised during his 2014 election campaign. … Read more

Modi Government’s Finance Bill 2017 Legalised Crony Capitalism

Arun Jaitley Finance Bill 2017

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley cleverly slipped in several amendments to the Companies Act 2013 during the passage of the Finance Bill 2017 in the Lok Sabha. The Finance Bill 2017 was dressed as a money bill, which made it redundant to be placed in Rajya Sabha for voting, where the BJP does not have the … Read more

Troubled Modi Attacked the Economists on Demonetisation

Modi attacked the Economists critical of demonetisation

Narendra Modi wants to play all roles once and since the Uttar Pradesh assembly election is reaching the climax, his desperation to prove himself as an omnipotent and omnipresent leader of the nation-state has reached the peak. Without sparing a word on the worsening economic condition of the country, Narendra Modi attacked the economists who … Read more

Union Budget 2017-18 is Hollow and Deceitful

Arun Jaitley's Union Budget 2017-18

PR Economy Desk (02/02/2017): The Union Budget 2017-18 presented by Arun Jaitley on 1st February 2017 was special due to three reasons: It became the first budget since the foundation of the Indian republic when the railway and general budgets were clubbed together into one The Union Budget 2017-18 is a slightly controlled budget because the … Read more

Arun Jaitley Spoke on Demonetisation

Arun Jaitley contradicts again in HT Leadership Summit on demonetisation

At the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said that the people of the country are voluntarily taking the pain to participate in the long queues in front of the ATMs and the banks due to the demonetisation of the currency notes of ₹500 and ₹1000, and the people have largely maintained peace … Read more

Union Budget 2016-17 is Actually an Anti-Poor Budget Concealed in Tri-Colour Package

(This article was first published in March 2016 in the previous version of People’s Review. Due to an incident of hacking the old website was pulled down and we could only restore the old articles in this section) The Union budget for the FY 2016-17 presented by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and hailed by the corporate … Read more

Arun Jaitley Assured US Monopoly Capital of BJP’s Support

Arun Jaitley assures US monopoly capital of total cooperation and support

The attempt of the BJP government led by Narendra Modi to “hard sell India” to foreign investors using the cheap labour, minerals, and natural resources as baits, was intensified by the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley during his visit to the United States. The BJP leader began bashing the Indian legal system for being “too slow” … Read more

People's Review