Amit Shah Endorsing Defamation Lawsuits to Stifle Critical Press

Amit Shah use defamation case as weapon to gag critical media

Amit Shah finally broke his conspicuous silence on the issue of a sudden surge in the turnover of his son Jay Shah’s firm Temple Enterprise, which increased 16,000 times from Rs 50,000 to Rs 800m in just one year, coincidentally soon after Narendra Modi became the prime minister. Shah spoke briefly at a forum of … Read more

Defamation Case by Jay Shah on The Wire is an Attack of the BJP on Free Press

Jay Shah defamation case against The Wire is BJP's attempt to attack free press

Jay Amitbhai Shah, the son of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Amit Shah, has sued the independent media outlet, The Wire, in a defamation case for publishing a detailed investigative report on how one of his companies called Temple Enterprises suddenly saw a 16,000 times increase in its turnover between 2015-16, after his political uncle … Read more

People's Review