What is next for the left-wing politics after the Congress’s victory in Karnataka?
While the Congress defeated the BJP in Karnataka, the threat of Hindutva fascism still looms large over the state, which only the left can combat.
While the Congress defeated the BJP in Karnataka, the threat of Hindutva fascism still looms large over the state, which only the left can combat.
The Union Budget 2021-22 is nothing but a Hindutva quackery on an ailing Indian economy, pushing it to the extreme of a pernicious realm.
Under Modi’s rule, the Hindutva neoliberalism in India has strengthened the exploitation of labour by capital through a plethora of ways
Modi has been working on the normalisation of “Hindutva shock therapy” for the consolidation of capitalism in India to benefit his big donors
How Modi, following his US-based masters’ diktat, is destroying India’s agriculture and food security to help big corporates to profiteer?
The experiences of corporate control over agriculture globally show how farmers are ruined and the corporations enrich through such policies.