Clash at Singhu Border repeats BJP’s 2020 violence template

Clash at Singhu Border repeats BJP's 2020 violence template

A feral gang of 200 goons, armed with rods, sharp weapons and petrol bombs attacked the farmers protesting Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pro-corporate farm laws at Delhi’s Singhu border on Friday, January 29th 2021. The attackers, who called themselves “locals” accused the farmers of being “anti-national” and demanded their forceful eviction from the National Highway … Read more

Arrest warrant for Paranjoy Guha Thakurta’s articles on Adani shows India’s shabby press freedom

Arrest warrant for Paranjoy Guha Thakurta’s articles on Adani shows India’s shabby press freedom

The row over Paranjoy Guha Thakurta’s articles on Adani Group continues as a Gujarat court issued an arrest warrant against him recently.

People's Review