Air India, BPCL to SCI, Modi regime’s privatisation drive ruins people’s lives

Air India, BPCL to SCI, Modi regime’s privatisation drive ruins people's lives

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), facing a huge wave of popular dissent throughout the country, especially the farmers’ protest movement against pro-corporate farm laws, has entered a selling spree. The Modi regime’s privatisation drive, in the current phase, includes the central public sector enterprises (CPSEs) like the Air India, the Bharat … Read more

One year of anti-CAA 2019 protests: Time for critical retrospection

One year of anti-CAA 2019 protests: Time for critical retrospection

It’s one year of the anti-CAA 2019 protests. It’s now time to retrospect the movement to build a stronger citizenship movement against NRC.

People's Review