Howdy Modi polarised US politicians and exposed crypto-fascists like Tulsi Gabbard

Howdy Modi polarised US politicians and exposed crypto-fascists like Tulsi Gabbard

Modi’s Howdy Modi event in Houston, TX, exposed crypto-fascists like Tulsi Gabbard, who tries to show herself as an opponent of Trump but is his reflection.

Influence of the Saudi crown prince’s visit on India-Pakistan tension

The Saudi crown prince's visit to India-Pakistan

Recently the controversial Saudi Arabian crown prince Mohammad bin Salman visited Pakistan, India and China as part of his three-nation tour of the region. During his visit to these intertwined states, all nuclear powers, he tried to thread their political leadership with the Wahhabi ruling clique of his own kingdom and tie-up for better opportunities … Read more

Yellow Vest Protest in France – A Popular Uprising or a Fascist Riot?

Understanding the Yellow Vest protests in France

France is on fire as a large contingent of disgruntled protesters are rampaging on the streets and protesting against the pro-rich, pro-corporate policies of President Emmanuel Macron, especially his recent decision to impose an environmental tax on fossil fuel like diesel and petrol, which irked millions of people living in semi-urban and rural areas of … Read more

Chinese Rulers’ Mao Paranoia Gets Intense With Revival of Red-Dissent

Xi Jinping Thought to elevate Xi Jinping in the CPC and thwart Mao Zedong's Thought

There is a new wind of dissent blowing within China, which is seriously causing gargantuan trouble to the ruling elites of the Chinese Communist Party, as this time it’s not merely western-influenced liberal ‘democracy-seekers’, rather, a new bunch of Marxist Peking University students, who are called ‘troublemakers’ in the official parlance, carrying the banner of … Read more

Murder of Jamal Khashoggi & Power Struggle Between Saudi Arabia & Turkey

Jamal Khashoggi killed in Saudi Arabia & Turkey rivalry

The brutal murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul caused a severe trouble for the Saudi royal family and its new autocratic crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman. The Saudi Arabian monarchy, which was so far patronised by the chieftain of world imperialism, the US and its allies like … Read more

Resignation of Nikki Haley Points Towards Crisis of US Imperialism

Nikki Haley

As the Donald Trump regime failed to counter the Russia–Syria–Iran nexus in the United Nations, the US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley had to resign and the Trump regime is now in a doldrum over how to handle a situation where it’s facing an invincible doom in the war theatre of Syria, in which … Read more

People's Review