Why does the ‘break the bias’ theme of International Women’s Day 2022 mock Indian women?

Why does the 'break the bias' theme of International Women's Day 2022 mock Indian women?

The celebration of International Women’s Day 2022 with the theme ‘break the bias’ mocks Indian women who reel under patriarchy’s juggernaut.

Karnataka hijab row: a standoff between Muslim women’s right to education and Hindutva fascism

Karnataka hijab row: a standoff between Muslim women's right to education and Hindutva fascism

The Karnataka hijab row has been used by the BJP-RSS to deny Muslim women right to education, while the Opposition fell in the “hijab” trap.

Women of Shaheen Bagh and Park Circus are writing a glorious chapter of anti-fascist struggle in India

Women of Shaheen Bagh and Park Circus are writing a glorious chapter of anti-fascist struggle in India

The women of Shaheen Bagh and Park Circus have shown how resiliently women can trigger panic within the Hindutva fascist state and cause it severe ignominy.

People's Review