We publish critical, data-driven, informative commentary on Indian and South Asian politics, economy, society, world affairs, gender, art and culture, science and technology, campus updates, etc. Our endeavour is to provide a non-partisan view backed by data and supported by trustworthy references. If your article is backed up by well-researched data, then People’s Review will publish it.
If you are able to put up very strong arguments in favour of your opinion, we will publish your article to start discussion and debates on those points even if they contradict the editorial standpoint of People’s Review.
All articles, including guest columns, must be sent to write2us@peoplesreview.in with the subject line: Article Submission – Your Article Title
Submission Guidelines:
- A soft copy of the article must be sent to us; we don’t accept any hard copy/manuscript. We accept Doc, Docx, ODT and RTF files. We don’t accept PDFs. You can also share the editable link of Google Docs through email with editing permission.
- At People’s Review, we follow The Economist Style Guide. You can buy it here and your article must be in British English (EN GB, EN UK).
- An article must be within 2,000 words, we rarely publish articles longer than 2,000 words. Exceptions are only for well-researched reports/analysis and human interest stories with facts and figures.
- An article should at least have 600 words to be considered for publication.
- We only publish those articles that were not published anywhere else, we don’t re-publish articles.
- The document must have been filtered through at least two revisions by the author; we will do extensive proofreading and if there are too many errors, in language, style, or grammar, we will reject the article.
- Every article must contain a short description of the article in less than 150 characters and must also contain a short author bio and Twitter handle (preferred).
- Relevant copyright-free image of dimension 640×360 px along with an article will be appreciated.
We don’t and we won’t publish any article that:
- Which are vague, pointless, doesn’t deal with a subject of importance and have no data backing. Moreover, we won’t publish essays that are written on any topic. An article without data, relevant information, and references to reputed published sources will not be published.
- Spreads hatred against any community, race, caste, creed, nationality, or ethnic group with a clearly visible malicious intention. The author will be blacklisted.
- Promotes violence, terrorism, bigotry, racism, gender bias, religious fundamentalism, superstition, spirituality, child abuse, and anything considered illegal as per the law of the land.
- Does the government’s propaganda, attempts to whitewash human rights violations, advocates exploitation, oppression and marginalisation, promotes neo-liberal economic agenda, or advocates in favour of anti-poor policies.
- Does political propaganda on behalf of any specific political party, advocates on behalf of any political party’s agenda, asks our readers to vote for any specific political party or tries to build favourable perception on behalf of any political party.
- Promotes dangerous traits like xenophobia, jingoism and chauvinism, or advocates any sort of fascism.
- Product or corporate PR for any brand, stock market speculation, gambling promotion, brand feature writings, or any such activity that will benefit a corporate house.
- Violates copyright, intellectual property rights wilfully, or are plagiarised work.
People’s Review will copyright your work to you and allow people to quote your work with due credit to you. We provide usernames and passwords for authors who are regular contributors.
Submissions to People’s Review are voluntary and for accepted submissions, the authors are not paid remuneration. Only articles that are commissioned by People’s Review’s Editorial Board are paid for and the payment cycle is 30 days from the day of publication.