The Indian economy’s crisis intensifies as the government remains nonchalant
The Indian economy’s crisis has intensified in the recent months, but the government remains nonchalant and takes half-hearted measures.
The Indian economy’s crisis has intensified in the recent months, but the government remains nonchalant and takes half-hearted measures.
Does the Modi regime has any plan to revive the Indian economy from the present paralysed state or it’s going to be indifferent forever?
While a few companies posted growth in their Q1 FY 2020-21, it doesn’t mean that the entire economy is growing, rather it’s going downhills now under Modi.
The farm sector reforms unleashed by the Modi regime through three ordinances will help the corporates profiteer at the cost of India’s farmers.
The privatisation of public sector undertakings by the Modi regime is a frantic attempt to revive crisis-ridden capitalism with free oxygen. It won’t help.
Why attempts made by governments of different countries, including India’s, to revive capitalism with a stimulus during COVID-19 isn’t feasible at all?
Can the Modi regime’s Rs 3 trillion-worth loan package for the MSME sector help it survive and provide employment to the workers?
Though Modi’s Rs 20 trillion-worth so-called “fiscal stimulus” package was all about selling India to corporates, why the latter aren’t quite happy now?
Nirmala Sitharaman’s fifth tranche announcements regarding the Rs 20 trillion “stimulus package” exposed there was no relief plan at the first place.
After beating around the bush, Nirmala Sitharaman’s fourth tranche of announcements revealed how the Modi regime is selling India to big mining giants.
The third tranche of Sitharaman’s COVID-19 package announcements not only avoided fiscal stimulus but also jeopardised India’s food security.
Like her first set of announcements, Sitharaman’s second set of announcements regarding the much-hyped fiscal stimulus package was also utterly hollow.