Pulwama Massacre is the Quotidian Part of Colonised Kashmir’s Existence

Kashmir Occupation India

Indian armed forces fired indiscriminately at civilians and killed seven in the Sirnoo village of the India-controlled Kashmir’s southern district of Pulwama on Saturday, 15 December. The civilians include bystanders and protesters who raised slogans against Indian occupation after a an encounter setup by the Indian government forces killed three local militants. Militants fighting against … Read more

Shopian Firing and the Death of Youth Reveal What Modi’s Plan for Kashmir are Indeed

Shopian Firing Killed Three

On Saturday 27 January, the Indian Army personnel opened fire at a peaceful protest of the Kashmiri people in the Ganowpora village of South Kashmir’s Shopian district and killed two young students. A class 12 student Suhail Javid Lone, son of Javid Ahmad Lone of Ganowpora, and an undergraduate student Javid Ahmad Bhat, son of … Read more

Understanding the Current Crisis of Kashmir

The present situation in Kashmir, if it is to be explicitly understood, should be looked at from the perspective of Kashmiri people rather than the run-of-the-mill viewpoint of Indian and Pakistani government. An undeniable fact is that the power that is responsible for the misery and oppression of Kashmiri people is the ruling government in … Read more

People's Review