Four years later: 9th February 2016 JNU row and India’s Reichstag fire moment
The 9th February 2016 JNU row provided the BJP-led government of Narendra Modi an opportunity to create India’s own Reichstag fire to distract the people.
The 9th February 2016 JNU row provided the BJP-led government of Narendra Modi an opportunity to create India’s own Reichstag fire to distract the people.
The sudden arrest of J&K Police’s chief Davinder Singh has opened a can of worms that the Indian state always want buried deeper. Kashmir is in forefront.
Prof SAR Geelani is dead. He died of a cardiac arrest. The jubilation over his death by those who vote Sadhvi Pragya proves that our conscience died too.
A hastily filed 1200-page long chargesheet after three years of the JNU fiasco is actually a sign that the Modi regime is in a frantic mode at present.
The present situation in Kashmir, if it is to be explicitly understood, should be looked at from the perspective of Kashmiri people rather than the run-of-the-mill viewpoint of Indian and Pakistani government. An undeniable fact is that the power that is responsible for the misery and oppression of Kashmiri people is the ruling government in … Read more
(This article was first published in February 2016 in the previous version of People’s Review. Due to an incident of hacking the old website was pulled down and we could only restore the old articles in this section) The spectre of the slain Kashmiri Afzal Guru is haunting the Indian ruling classes and their devotees very … Read more
(This article was first published in February 2016 in the previous version of People’s Review. Due to an incident of hacking the old website was pulled down and we could only restore the old articles in this section) The history of student movements and people involved in student movement being branded anti-national is not recent, but … Read more