CAA 2019: Shantanu Thakur’s “slip of the tongue” exposed the dilemma for the BJP

How did Shantanu Thakur's recent claim regarding the CAA 2019 push the BJP back to the dilemma it has been trying to evade for long?

The CAA 2019 has always been a political trap for the refugees and a dilemma for the BJP. Now Shantanu Thakur’s “slip of the tongue” exposed the hollowness of Modi’s much-hyped citizenship law once more.

One year of anti-CAA 2019 protests: Time for critical retrospection

One year of anti-CAA 2019 protests: Time for critical retrospection

It’s one year of the anti-CAA 2019 protests. It’s now time to retrospect the movement to build a stronger citizenship movement against NRC.

People's Review