One year of anti-CAA 2019 protests: Time for critical retrospection

One year of anti-CAA 2019 protests: Time for critical retrospection

It’s one year of the anti-CAA 2019 protests. It’s now time to retrospect the movement to build a stronger citizenship movement against NRC.

Why the NRC and the Assam Accord are Enemies of the Poor People?

NRC list and Assam Accord must be opposed

The issue of National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam leaving out four million people from its final draft released on 30 July 2018 has created a nationwide stir as the Modi regime and the RSS have converted the issue of exclusion of these people as a Hindu vs Muslim narrative and created a paranoia … Read more

Assam Disenfranchisement Exercise Must be Resisted by the People

BJP government of Sarbananda Sonowal to force millions of Muslims to exodus to establish absolute hegemony in Assam

The BJP-led Assam Government has published the final draft of the National Register of Citizens after surveying the citizenship records and family trees of 32.9 million people residing in Assam to trace out the “illegal Bangladeshi” immigrants from the state. This final draft has excluded the names of four million Bengali people, the majority of … Read more

People's Review