Trump and the Muslim ban in the US

Trump's Muslim Ban in the US is not different than Obama's

The US President Donald Trump signed an executive order in January, dubbed as “Muslim Ban” order, which was partially rejected by the Federal Court later; it banned the entry of immigrants and visa holders from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States for 90 days. The executive order of President Trump also bans any … Read more

26,171 Bombs in 2016: Obama Leaving After Spilling Blood

Obama leaving office with blood in hands

Famous Hollywood female actor Meryl Streep cried out and condemned the US president-elect Donald Trump for the latter’s mimicking of a disabled journalist during his rhetoric-filled election campaigns. She expressed her dismay at the growth of intolerance in the US following the ascension of Donald Trump. Outgoing US President Barack Obama seconded her. Obama, during … Read more

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