Quad summit in the US and the futility of Cold War-era rivalry
The US is hosting the forthcoming Quad summit to up the ante against China in South China Sea and Indo-Pacific. But why such Cold War-era rivalry is futile now?
The US is hosting the forthcoming Quad summit to up the ante against China in South China Sea and Indo-Pacific. But why such Cold War-era rivalry is futile now?
Right wing populism is quickly emerging as a new dominant political discourse. It is radically re-constituting the uneven field of politics on which ideological battles are fought. Right-wing demagogues use a diversified repertoire of rhetorical tools to not only temporarily acquire dominance but to disaggregate frozen beliefs and re-configure them. To analyse this process of re-constitution, this article uses the vocabulary provided by George Orwell in his seminal book “1984”.
The Tory victory in the UK general election 2019 is primarily caused by the Labour Party’s failure to capitalise on the people’s demand for Brexit.
The new Brexit deal marketed by Boris Johnson and the British ruling classes is nothing but Theresa May’s old data with new border norms over North Ireland.