Is Zakir Musa a new Salafist Pawn of New Delhi?

Recently an audio tape of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Zakir Musa surfaced on social media, where the militant leader called the Kashmir struggle, a struggle for establishing a Sharia-based Islamic kingdom, and also threatened the moderate separatist umbrella organisation Hurriyat Conference leaders with death and beheading if they don’t stop referring Kashmir as a “political problem” … Read more

Understanding the Current Crisis of Kashmir

The present situation in Kashmir, if it is to be explicitly understood, should be looked at from the perspective of Kashmiri people rather than the run-of-the-mill viewpoint of Indian and Pakistani government. An undeniable fact is that the power that is responsible for the misery and oppression of Kashmiri people is the ruling government in … Read more

People's Review