Why does the ‘break the bias’ theme of International Women’s Day 2022 mock Indian women?

Why does the 'break the bias' theme of International Women's Day 2022 mock Indian women?

The celebration of International Women’s Day 2022 with the theme ‘break the bias’ mocks Indian women who reel under patriarchy’s juggernaut.

Yogi’s West Bengal visit and speech on women’s safety nearly killed irony

Yogi’s West Bengal visit and speech on women’s safety nearly killed irony

Not just Yogi’s West Bengal visit and speech on women’s safety but even the TMC’s defence smells of hypocrisy due to lack of moral strength.

Tragedy of Kashmiri Women Exposed in Uri Gangrape and Murder

Uri gang rape and murder show vulnerability of Kashmiri women

The recent incident of gangrape and murder of a 9-year-old in Boniyar, Uri, gloats in front of the people as an ugly reminder of how sexual violence against Kashmiri women isn’t monopolised by the Indian occupation forces only but also by the dominant patriarchal-feudal social order of Kashmir, which many would sweep under the carpet … Read more

Lies and Fake Propaganda in Modi’s 15 August Speech

Narendra Modi addressing the nation on 15 August 2018

On the 72nd Independence Day, 15th August 2018, we, the people of the country, again experienced a refurbished repeat telecast of the same show that’s going on for the last seven decades, forcefully making each Indian believe that they are “independent” and “free”, despite being knocked down by severe poverty, starvation, lack of health care, … Read more

Victim Bashing Soaring Since Mass Molestation of Women in Bengaluru

The mass molestation of women in Bengaluru during the New Year's eve

The mass molestation of women in Bengaluru during the New Year’s eve brought back the barrage of victim bashing pouring in from all quarters and we can also see the political stalwarts trying to catch fish in the murky waters. The trail of victim bashing is long in India and around the world, however, over … Read more

People's Review