crisis of capitalism

Why the students’ agitation against RRB NTPC in Bihar and UP is more than just Modi’s fault?

Students protesting alleged discrepancies in the published results of the Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) recruitment tests conducted by the Railway…

Why Oxfam’s inequality report is just tip of the iceberg?

Oxfam released a new report on India’s burgeoning economic inequality caused by the financial aggrandizement of a handful of big…

Kazakhstan protests: what remains unsaid?

On the first week of January 2022, energy-rich Kazakhstan experienced a large-scale mass protest—the largest in its three-decade-long existence—which turned…

Understanding Hindutva neoliberalism in India

Hindutva neoliberalism in India is a specific variant of capitalism that enforces economic and political oligarchy in the name of…

Trump Vs Biden: Capitol Hill rioting and the US’s tryst with fascism

The world looked with utmost astonishment at the USA, when the angry white-supremacist fascist stormtroopers loyal to the outgoing President…

The structural weaknesses of democracies: Part III –elites

In the previous parts of this article (see part I here and part II here) when I discussed the politics…

Five key reasons why another economic slump is very much possible

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only killed millions of people but it has also unmasked the bankruptcy of the crisis-prone…

To safeguard the poor, India needs a progressive taxation system

Prime Minister Narendra Modi revealed a truth unintentionally for the first time during his long but well-articulated speech on how…

Global recession 2020- A gift for the capitalists and a curse for the poor

For the last three months, the world has been witnessing the most devastating economic crisis of the 21st century, even…
People's Review