Did Modi Regime Impose an Undeclared Emergency on India?

Did the Modi regime impose an undeclared emergency on India?

The talk of the town is dissent – the right to dissent and an undeclared emergency reigning in India’s political landscape, as the Modi regime has unleashed state repression on political dissenters, human rights activists, advocates and intellectuals who’ve refused obeisance towards it. Using a corporate media-sponsored paranoia over “Urban Naxals”, the Modi regime is … Read more

Decaying Democracy and Denying Due: Our new India

Narendra Modi's democracy

Since opening gates to the neo-liberal economy, India is adorned with the titular compliment of being the largest democracy in the world. There is no apprehension in this, with our universal suffrage, multi-tier governance system, a Constitution in place, Army in the barracks and an elected government making laws, we can very well compete with … Read more

People's Review