Shortage of oxygen and Remdesivir pushes Indian healthcare into coma
The shortage of oxygen and Remdesivir vials has pushed the Indian public healthcare sector to the brink of collapse, aggravating deaths due to COVID-19.
The shortage of oxygen and Remdesivir vials has pushed the Indian public healthcare sector to the brink of collapse, aggravating deaths due to COVID-19.
The drama over government formation in Maharashtra didn’t get over with the Shiv Sena-NCP-Congress alliance coming to power, it just entered the next stage.
Whoever may form a government in Maharashtra due to the separation between the BJP and Shiv Sena, the people’s cause and rights are at the receiving end.
The Narendra Modi-led BJP government has done many stints since coming to power and almost all of the BJP-ruled states have followed the suit to match the pace of their New Delhi-based mentor. From granting cabinet minister status to Sadhus, a sect of Hindu religious leaders, by the Madhya Pradesh government to the building of … Read more
The Maharashtra Police have released two purported letters through which, they allege, the Maoists communicated with the arrested civil rights activist Rona Wilson. These letters are prima-facie evidence against Rona Wilson, which the police will use in the court. But even before the court, they’ve shown these precious catches and sensitive information to the press, … Read more