Shifting of US Embassy to Jerusalem to Hide American Defeat in Syria?

The evil axis of Trump and Netanyahu trying to dip Palestine in blood

Donald Trump’s decision to shift the embassy of the US from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem of Palestine is an act that carries a lot of hidden attributes than what’s apparently visible under the sun. The fascist regime of Donald Trump, which is running superfluous with unhindered love for its strongest lackey and watchdog in Middle-East Asia … Read more

By Shifting Embassy to Jerusalem the Trump Regime Can’t Defeat Palestine

Shifting capital to Jerusalem can't end Palestinian struggle

On 6 December 2017, Donald Trump-led fascist US regime decided to shift its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in contravention of international laws and the stand of the United Nations, which considers East Jerusalem as the capital of future independent Palestine. The Donald Trump regime didn’t implement a freshly adopted decision, rather it implemented … Read more

Shinzo Abe and the Revival of the Japanese Fascist Militarist Imperialism

Shinzo Abe and the revival of Japanese fascist imperialism

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe won a near landslide victory in a reelection after gambling his luck behind it and as per the ratings in the Japanese and international mainstream media, he is one of the most successful politicians in the post-war Japan. This victory is a sign that the western imperialist bloc led by … Read more

Imperialist Agenda of the US Must be Thrashed by DPRK

Donald Trump’s threat to destroy North Korea (DPRK) during his debut speech in the UN makes a strong case for the Worker’s Party government in Pyongyang to step up national defense and build up a strong frontier against the notorious axis formed by the Donald Trump-led fascist US government, Japan, US-occupied South Korea (southern Korean … Read more

UN Probe Blamed Syria for Sarin Attack to Please the West

The United Nations once again stooped to the US and legitimised Washington’s illegal campaign to oust the popular government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, as the UN-constituted probe panel accused the government of Syria for the dead Sarin gas attack on civilians in April this year. Nearly 80 people died in a hospital in Khan … Read more

Kashmir needs no hug but freedom

Kashmir Occupation India

Every year since 1947 the Indian people have been subjected to a Prime Minister’s speech on 15 August from the podium atop the Red Fort in Delhi. Religiously the common people listened to the speech each year to find for themselves the answers to the burning problems in their lives, i.e. the problem of bread … Read more

More on Charlottesville and Fascism in the US

Donald Trump is now under attack from all quarters, including the Butcher of Baghdad and Kabul – George W Bush and his father George Bush Sr. condemning the Presidents standpoint on the recent Charlottesville violence, where Trump blamed both sides, i.e. the fascist white supremacists and the anti-fascist and anti-racist protesters who came under attack … Read more

From Trump to Modi, the Building of a Neo-Fascist World Order

From Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin, from Marine Le Pen to Norbert Hofer, from Nigel Farage to Narendra Modi, the most powerful world leaders are talking about a new world order, and of course, it is not a socialist and egalitarian world order that they are promoting, but a more reactionary and more fascist world … Read more

DPR Korea Must Intensify Resistance Against Trump’s Nefarious Plans

Trump's Agenda against DPR Korea

Donald Trump’s rhetoric against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) has turned more militant than any of his predecessors and being a lunatic fascist, he is serious in jeopardising the world security in more ways than one. Trump’s cacophony against the DPR Korea is blended with excessive misinformation, lies, and deceitful propaganda that … Read more

Syria and Russia Must Retaliate Boldly Against the US Missile Attack

US missile attack on Syria using chemical attack as a garb

Following an alleged chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun of ISIS held Idlib province in Syria on 4 April, the Donald Trump regime had launched a unilateral missile attack on Syria on 6 April. The chemical gas attack at the terrorist held Idlib province of Syria killed 60 and injured more than 120 people. Though the … Read more

Trump and the Muslim ban in the US

Trump's Muslim Ban in the US is not different than Obama's

The US President Donald Trump signed an executive order in January, dubbed as “Muslim Ban” order, which was partially rejected by the Federal Court later; it banned the entry of immigrants and visa holders from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States for 90 days. The executive order of President Trump also bans any … Read more

The Banana Republic and Arnab Goswami

Arnab Goswami is bringing the Republic as part of Donald Trump's new media order

Recently the infamous BJP stooge and former Times Now anchor, Arnab Goswami resurrected at an event in Bengaluru, providing a brief hint about his forthcoming venture called “Republic”, which according to him, will be a global news giant similar to CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, etc. Arnab Goswami, according to different news agencies, claimed that his … Read more

26,171 Bombs in 2016: Obama Leaving After Spilling Blood

Obama leaving office with blood in hands

Famous Hollywood female actor Meryl Streep cried out and condemned the US president-elect Donald Trump for the latter’s mimicking of a disabled journalist during his rhetoric-filled election campaigns. She expressed her dismay at the growth of intolerance in the US following the ascension of Donald Trump. Outgoing US President Barack Obama seconded her. Obama, during … Read more

How the Zionist Israeli Government Dared to Trash an UN Resolution ?

Zionist Israeli Government Trashed UN Resolution on West Bank

The 15 member United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution on 23rd December, asking the Zionist Israeli government to stop building settlements in Jerusalem and West Bank. The Obama administration took a cunning diplomatic step when it abstained from the UN security council vote on the resolution moved by New Zealand, Senegal, Malaysia, and Venezuela. … Read more

People's Review