Gujarat Assembly Election and the Problem of Secularism

Multiple dimensions of Gujarat Assembly Election

The narrow victory of the BJP in Gujarat and its bagging of Himachal Pradesh from the control of the Congress will provide a breather to the RSS-led Hindutva fascist camp for the time being, however, the massive mass discontent that became visible in the citadel of Amit Shah and Narendra Modi, signalled that all is … Read more

Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh Assembly Election Reconfirmed That Fascism Can’t be Defeated Through Polls

Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh assembly election proved people's struggle is the only way to defeat Hindutva fascism

The structure of the Indian state-machinery is designed in such a way that a political force, which is favoured by the majority of the ruling clique- the feudal landlords, big comprador and bureaucratic capitalists, foreign monopoly capital-owned corporations and banks – will be able to sweep elections, irrespective of the wave of public mood in … Read more

Review of Gujarat Assembly Election 2017 Results :

Gujarat Assembly Election 2017 Review

The much-awaited and much-discussed Gujarat assembly election 2017 results are out and as anticipated by the majority of the democratic and progressive camp, the BJP, once more, won the election by using the age-old Hindutva strategy to polarise the voters to sweep the polls. The BJP has won 99 seats out of 182 in the … Read more

The Rise of Rahul Gandhi Can’t Lift the Fallen Hand of Congress

The rise of Rahul Gandhi can't save the Congress

The Congress was pronounced dead post-2014 rise of Narendra Modi, the fascist tyrant who is set to rule India, along with his coterie of RSS-trained hardcore Hindutva fascists for decades to come. The resurrection of the Congress Party and the glorification of its present and past leaders, especially of the new party chief – Rahul … Read more

Gujarat Assembly Election: Silence Reigns on the Issue of Muslims and Social Justice

Assembly Election Result

The forthcoming Gujarat Assembly Election has turned on the political heat in the state and the country’s mainstream media is focusing on the battle-of-words between the incumbent BJP and the opposition Congress, which is trying hard to seize control of the state after nearly two decades of banging head against the wall. Within this cacophony, … Read more

Defeating BJP in Gujarat is Neither Easy nor Impossible

Can the BJP lose Gujarat or even think o f it?

The BJP is facing the heat of anti-incumbency wave in Gujarat, a state it has ruled for 22 long years and whose “model of development” is used extensively by Narendra Modi to build his “pro-development” image and sweep elections in one after another state. There is a clear sign of mass discontent against the saffron … Read more

People's Review