Can Hindutva fascist attack on Friday namaz at open spaces in Gurugram help the BJP?

Can Hindutva fascist attack on Friday namaz at open spaces in Gurugram help the BJP?

Can the Hindutva fascist attacks to stop Muslims from offering their Friday namaz at open spaces in Gurugram help the BJP to retain Haryana?

The 2021 bypoll results: what’s the message between the lines?

The 2021 bypoll results: what's the message between the lines?

What do the 2021 bypoll results indicate? Was this a mandate against the BJP and the Modi regime? Or was it hyper-local reaction to policies?

Six months of the farmers’ protest at Delhi: now BKMF to strengthen SKM’s struggle

Six months of the farmers’ protest at Delhi: now BKMF to strengthen SKM's struggle

The formation of the Bharatiya Kisan Mazdoor Federation after six months of the farmers’ protest at Delhi will surely aid the Samyukt Kisan Morcha’s struggle.

Gurmeet Ram Rahim Supporters Couldn’t Have Survived Without BJP

Gurmeet Ram Rahim ‘Insaan’, the self-styled godman, whom even Narendra Modi saluted to woo voters during the Haryana assembly election, now stands convicted of rape and is awaiting punishment from a CBI special court in Panchkula, Haryana. More than 100,000 supporters of the convicted god man are on rampage opposing the verdict of the court … Read more

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