The doctors’ strike in Kolkata: A critical analysis

Doctors' strike in Kolkata affected the public healthcare sector

The death of an 80-year-old patient in Kolkata’s Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College and Hospital (NRSMCH) on 11 June 2019, for which the agitated family members and relatives of the deceased blamed the medical staff of the hospital, led to a fracas that instigated a nationwide agitation and movement of doctors. The junior doctors of … Read more

Not Health Insurance, India Needs Robust Public Health System

Modi sham health insurance scheme

The Union Budget 2018-19 has one major big-ticket gimmick that is trumpeted by the Modi regime as a significant programme – a health insurance scheme for 100 million families of the country, which includes 500 million people, with an insurance cover of ₹500,000 per household. This is, of course, the largest health insurance scheme run … Read more

People's Review