The Curious Case of “Syrian Activist” Leila al-Shami & Idlib war

The curious case of Syrian Activist Leila al-Shami

In this column published in New York Times, a writer named Leila Al-Shami, who is called a writer and an activist by the renowned newspaper owned by big monopoly and finance capital, highlights the peril that the people of Syrian province of Idlib are subject to due to the Syrian government’s attempt to reconquer the … Read more

UN Probe Blamed Syria for Sarin Attack to Please the West

The United Nations once again stooped to the US and legitimised Washington’s illegal campaign to oust the popular government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, as the UN-constituted probe panel accused the government of Syria for the dead Sarin gas attack on civilians in April this year. Nearly 80 people died in a hospital in Khan … Read more

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