Partition of Bengal – A saga of lost hopes and homeland

Partition of Bengal - A saga of lost hopes and homeland

The partition of Bengal in 1947 is a forgotten chapter in history, although its trauma and pain are still visible in the lives of the people.

Modi’s “wealth creators” are plunderers, while real wealth creators are fighting for existence

Modi's "wealth creators" are plunderers, while real wealth creators are fighting for existence

Prime Minister Narendra Modi lied to the nation. His “wealth creators” are not real wealth creators but plunderers who have been looting India with impunity

Lies and Fake Propaganda in Modi’s 15 August Speech

Narendra Modi addressing the nation on 15 August 2018

On the 72nd Independence Day, 15th August 2018, we, the people of the country, again experienced a refurbished repeat telecast of the same show that’s going on for the last seven decades, forcefully making each Indian believe that they are “independent” and “free”, despite being knocked down by severe poverty, starvation, lack of health care, … Read more

People's Review