Resignation of Nikki Haley Points Towards Crisis of US Imperialism

Nikki Haley

As the Donald Trump regime failed to counter the Russia–Syria–Iran nexus in the United Nations, the US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley had to resign and the Trump regime is now in a doldrum over how to handle a situation where it’s facing an invincible doom in the war theatre of Syria, in which … Read more

Why Iran is a Thorn in the Eyes of the US and its Lackeys?

Why Iran is a thorn in the eyes of the US and its lackeys?

What makes America furious about Iran? Why is Donald Trump so hell bent to destabilise Iran and turn it into a war-ruined country with a flotsam of debris that will remarkably recite the memory of a vivid past, when Persia used to be a centre of power, military and intellectual, in a world where there … Read more

Trump and the Muslim ban in the US

Trump's Muslim Ban in the US is not different than Obama's

The US President Donald Trump signed an executive order in January, dubbed as “Muslim Ban” order, which was partially rejected by the Federal Court later; it banned the entry of immigrants and visa holders from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States for 90 days. The executive order of President Trump also bans any … Read more

Israel Conducts Hacking Attempt on Russian Cyber Security

(This article was first published in June 2015 in the previous version of People’s Review. Due to an incident of hacking the old website was pulled down and we could only restore the old articles in this section) The Israeli secret service agency Mossad sponsored hackers conducted raids on Russian Anti Virus giant Kaspersky systems … Read more

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