US Presidential Elections and the lost cause of the American left
With Donald Trump sweeping the 2024 US Presidential Elections, what’s now left of the ‘left’ in the American polity outside the neo-liberal democrat ecosystem?
With Donald Trump sweeping the 2024 US Presidential Elections, what’s now left of the ‘left’ in the American polity outside the neo-liberal democrat ecosystem?
Did the West just dig its own grave in the Middle East and in the Global South by supporting the Zionist Israeli attack on Palestine?
What’s the reason behind Henry Kissinger’s China visit in 2023? Why did the 100-year-old make his 100th trip overcoming all difficulties?
While Modi denied the allegations of minority persecution in India under his government, the BJP took it upon itself to prove him wrong.
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech during the accession of the new regions exposed the West and its evil agenda. Read to learn more.
Nancy Pelosi’s Taiwan visit to support its secessionists not only provoked tension, but also violated the US’s “One-China Policy”.
The Uvalde school massacre by an 18-year-old terrorist showed how vulnerable the “American lives” are that the US regime promise to secure.
The US and the NATO are sponsoring violence by neo-Nazi forces in Donbass region, intensifying the Ukraine crisis to trouble Putin’s Russia.
For the US and the west, the theory of a purported Russian invasion of Ukraine helps in stirring Russophobia and distract the people at home.
The recent Kazakhstan protests have not just rocked the former Soviet republic, but also exposed a sinister geopolitical gambit in the region
As the US endorses Modi’s fascism, remains indifferent towards the human rights violations, self-reliance in anti-fascist struggle is the only way out now.
The US is hosting the forthcoming Quad summit to up the ante against China in South China Sea and Indo-Pacific. But why such Cold War-era rivalry is futile now?
AOC’s “tax the rich” campaign at Met Gala is ridiculous like the Democrats’ tax push, which will spare the super-rich and only tax on high paycheque incomes.
The recent CIA-sponsored Cuba “protest” riots are replicas of the 1960s model. These are now part of Joe Biden’s frantic attempt to occupy Cuba and oust PCC.
As the ceasefire between Hamas and Zionist terrorists has become a headache for Benjamin Netanyahu, it will encourage to intensify Palestinian resistance.
With the US military airstrikes in Syria, Biden opened his imperialist account and will now intensify global violence to stay in power.
Twitter banned Trump permanently. While many are seeing this as a crackdown on hate speech, it’s actually a muscle-flexing by the tech giant.
The Capitol Hill rioting by white-supremacist fascists is shown as a handiwork of Trump. But did he derive any mileage unlike Biden from this?
The US election results won’t bring any surprise for the people of Asia-Africa-Latin America, but a new series of death and destruction.