Pulwama Massacre is the Quotidian Part of Colonised Kashmir’s Existence

Kashmir Occupation India

Indian armed forces fired indiscriminately at civilians and killed seven in the Sirnoo village of the India-controlled Kashmir’s southern district of Pulwama on Saturday, 15 December. The civilians include bystanders and protesters who raised slogans against Indian occupation after a an encounter setup by the Indian government forces killed three local militants. Militants fighting against … Read more

Tragedy of Kashmiri Women Exposed in Uri Gangrape and Murder

Uri gang rape and murder show vulnerability of Kashmiri women

The recent incident of gangrape and murder of a 9-year-old in Boniyar, Uri, gloats in front of the people as an ugly reminder of how sexual violence against Kashmiri women isn’t monopolised by the Indian occupation forces only but also by the dominant patriarchal-feudal social order of Kashmir, which many would sweep under the carpet … Read more

Jammu to Suffer Most if Article 35A is Scrapped but Only Kashmir Protests

Kashmir Protests Against Article 35A removal

Parts of Kashmir erupted in protests after a rumour about the scrapping of Article 35A of the Indian Constitution by the Supreme Court was spread in the valley, which resulted into massive stone pelting by the Kashmiri youth on Monday, 27 August. A spontaneous shutdown was observed in Srinagar and Anantnag district of South Kashmir, … Read more

Al Jazeera Face Modi Regime’s Clampdown for Criticising its Kashmir Policy

Modi Regime Revoked Security Clearance to Al Jazeera

The Home Ministry has recently cancelled the security clearance for Al Jazeera English channel, which the Islamophobic RSS-led Hindutva fascist camp has long considered their ideological enemy for portraying the hapless situation of the Muslim community in India. Though the Al Jazeera channel is funded by the reactionary ruling clique of Qatar, which is playing … Read more

BJP-PDP Divorce in Kashmir Signals Future Escalation of State Violence

BJP-PDP Divorce is a sign of escalation of state violence in Kashmir

When Ram Madhav declared that the BJP will end its opportunist marriage with the PDP in Kashmir, ending their three-year-long coalition government, the message that the ordinary Kashmiri people and the democratic anti-fascist people of India read on the wall said that the Narendra Modi-led Hindutva fascist regime will carry out severe massacres in Kashmir … Read more

Murder of Shujaat Bukhari Throws Free Press to Darkness in Kashmir

The Murder of Shujaat Bukhari Signals Peril for Free Press

Rising Kashmir editor-in-chief and a journalist of repute, Syed Shujaat Bukhari was shot dead outside his office in Press Enclave area of Srinagar by three motorcycle-borne assailants on 14 June 2018. Two policemen, who were assigned as his PSOs, were also shot and succumbed to their injuries, according to the DG of Jammu and Kashmir … Read more

Let’s Overlook the Ghastly Attack on Srinagar’s Jamia Masjid?

Srinagar Jamia Masjid attack

While the Indian state was brutally massacring people in Thoothukudi of Tamil Nadu to serve the interests of the Vedanta group, how could the people of Kashmir remain safe, when they are supposed to be the first to take bullets and pellets of the “patriotic” Indian state machinery? The attack by the Jammu and Kashmir … Read more

Kashmir in Turmoil While Indian MSM Ponders on Kim Jong-un Diet

Kashmir Mourns Death of Three Militants, Indian MSM Remains Mute

When the TV channels were busy debating how Sunanda Pushkar died to avoid mentioning a large number of farmers agitating in Mumbai for their demands, Kashmir saw another tearful farewell given to those militants who were killed by the government forces in Hakura village of Anantnag district. The militants who were killed in an alleged … Read more

Shopian Firing and the Death of Youth Reveal What Modi’s Plan for Kashmir are Indeed

Shopian Firing Killed Three

On Saturday 27 January, the Indian Army personnel opened fire at a peaceful protest of the Kashmiri people in the Ganowpora village of South Kashmir’s Shopian district and killed two young students. A class 12 student Suhail Javid Lone, son of Javid Ahmad Lone of Ganowpora, and an undergraduate student Javid Ahmad Bhat, son of … Read more

Bilal Kawa is the Latest Victim of Hindutva Police Repression

Bilal Kawa Kashmir Jailed in Delhi

According to the panic-struck old mother of Bilal Kawa, her son is the recent victim of the Indian security agencies, who have framed thousands of Kashmiri men, women and children in fabricated cases of terrorism to grill them and then let them languish all their lives within the four walls of the prisons. Bilal Kawa … Read more

People's Review