Karl Marx at 202: Protect Marxism from the so-called ‘Marxist’ bootleggers

Karl Marx at 202: Protect Marxism from the so-called 'Marxist' bootleggers

Karl Marx is 202 today and after celebrating the bicentenary of his birth two years ago with much hullaballoo, the academic Marxists, who are divorced from the practice of class struggle, do not remember him any more now. They probably even don’t remember (or care) that it’s the bicentenary of Marx’s life-long comrade-in-arms and friend Frederick Engels. … Read more

Karl Marx : The Man of Science

Karl Marx - the man of science

In principle, when examining any historical theory or philosophy, the following issues are brought in question: The theme of the theory? Whether the theory is applicable in the present era or not? But the case of Marxism, for bourgeois world, is different where the orders of questions are not only changed when the theme is often … Read more

Coercion and Arrogance can Never Kill an Ideology

The toppling of the statue of communist leader Lenin in Tripura was really a sad affair for the country. In the communist pantheon leaders like Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro have always shined bright. However, in the right-wing press, all of them have been continuously portrayed as arch-villains and enemies of … Read more

People's Review