Is India facing the third wave of COVID-19? What’s the way out?
Is India now facing the third wave of COVID-19? Why the government’s vaccine drive and the lockdown-type restrictions aren’t helping anymore?
Is India now facing the third wave of COVID-19? Why the government’s vaccine drive and the lockdown-type restrictions aren’t helping anymore?
For 500 days, schools are closed in India. How has this closure of schools affected the children? Either their learning is disrupted or dropouts have increased.
As the unemployment crisis in India is rising, the Modi regime is cutting its expenditures below pre-COVID-19 years. Why this economic debauchery is allowed?
Red Faction, a left outfit, organised a May Day demonstration at Kolkata, raising the demand for subsidised oxygen, nationalised healthcare and no lockdown.
The so-called ‘left’ and the ‘anti-fascist’ forces aren’t mobilising the masses against the inhumane lockdown plan of the Modi regime and its accomplices.
The recent surge in COVID-19 cases shows that the methods like lockdown, curfews and other clampdown on democratic rights didn’t help to stop the pandemic.
Under the guise of night curfew in Delhi and lockdown in Maharashtra to curb COVID-19 pandemic, the farmers’ movement and the Muslim community will be targeted in the long run
As gloomy clouds of another lockdown in Maharashtra hovers over the state, the working class is awaiting another catastrophe like 2020.
One year after the COVID-19 lockdown, let’s ask a question. Who is responsible for the poverty and unemployment caused by COVID-19?
It’s one year. When we commemorate the COVID-19 lockdown’s anniversary what should we remember and what we must remember every day?
The Modi regime’s Economic Survey 2020-21 is a deceitful exercise that has omitted all uncomfortable facts and present a rosy picture.
These days the Delhi Police has literally hijacked the limelight by bringing forth a 1.1m-page-long chargesheet against former Jawaharlal Nehru University student Umar Khalid. But whatever may be the discourse over this witch-hunt by the state machinery, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s regime is finding it difficult to publish even a single page report on the … Read more
As India’s COVID-19 situation worsens rapidly and the number of patients is heading a million, the Modi regime’s indifference is appalling.
While a few companies posted growth in their Q1 FY 2020-21, it doesn’t mean that the entire economy is growing, rather it’s going downhills now under Modi.
As number of COVID-19 cases shoots up with the end of the lockdown, is another wave of lockdown and economic slump inevitable for India? A critical analysis
India’s COVID-19 situation has worsened. It will soon have the world’s highest tally of cases. A change of leadership is imperative to tackle the situation.
The Supreme Court’s permission to Puri’s iconic Rath Yatra amid the COVID-19 pandemic shows the hypocrisy of the state and the critics of Tablighi Jamaat.
The Indian newsrooms are making a kill in the digital space, however, at the same time, citing COVID-19 pandemic, they are firing numerous journalists.
The rollout of the NPR and NRC in post-lockdown phase is inevitable as the Modi regime will try to provide cheap labour pool to big corporate houses now.
The recent news of surge in India’s foreign exchange reserves isn’t one that calls for jubilation. This increase isn’t India’s gain but a sign of bad trade.