Lockdown in India clearly failed as COVID-19 cases rise steeply
Modi’s lockdown in India clearly failed as the steep rise in the number of COVID-19 cases exemplifies. But the government is still pushing for the “unlock”.
Modi’s lockdown in India clearly failed as the steep rise in the number of COVID-19 cases exemplifies. But the government is still pushing for the “unlock”.
Eyeing 2021 assembly elections, Modi’s dirty politics over West Bengal has increased manifold and is causing severe problems for the state and its people.
The Modi regime brings the “unlock” to do away with the COVID-19 lockdown in a phased manner. But is the situation ripe for it? Or did the lockdown fail?
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the hypocrisy and the inhuman side of the privileged Indian society, which is happy to close doors on the working class.
The PMeVidya online education programme is launched by the Modi regime for school students. But which class of students can avail online education in India?
The big question in the era of COVID-19 pandemic for Indians is: Can we afford governments that go on and on with “business as before”?
In Modi’s India there has been a fundamental transformation in political discourse. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed class conflicts more acutely than ever.
The importance of class struggle against the capital’s unbridled attack on working class was never felt as much it’s felt now, during the era of Coronavirus
The Indian citizen is remoulded and turned into a non-chalant, “apolitical”, obedient and uncritical lot, which cheers the supreme leader and hails tyranny.
Modi’s address to nation unveiled the forthcoming tyrannical corporate fascist rule that will ruin the lives and livelihood of the poor and undo democracy.
The cat was peeping out of the bag for long, but with the the BJP’s assault on labour rights under the garb of fighting COVID-19 menace brought it out.
Whether the lockdown was necessary if it didn’t flatten the curve and is now relaxed when the number of COVID-19 patients is rising? What about testing?
The working class is subjugated and repressed by the Hindutva fascist state during the lockdown. But this won’t end them. They will return very soon.
Modi’s PMCARES Fund and Aarogya Setu app have been severely criticised but that didn’t stop the prime minister from consolidating his tyrannical hegemony.
By not refunding the fare for flight ticket cancellation during lockdown, an airlines like Vistara is causing severe trouble to poor migrant workers.
An effort to map the individual physical and psychological transformations that the world is undergoing during the lockdown period due to COVID-19.
Is the Modi regime using the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown to establish a fascist dictatorship on India, quite nakedly than ever? What’s the truth?
In Uttar Pradesh the middle, small and marginal farmers’ suffering due to lockdown intensified as they don’t get MSP for wheat from private buyers.
Why the migrant workers are suffering? Why they have to walk hundreds of miles or starve? Does India has no resource to provide them relief? What facts say?
The extension of the 21-day lockdown in India must be done judiciously as there is a need to complete Rabi harvesting and prevent a major food crisis.