Commemorating the COVID-19 lockdown’s anniversary: What must be remembered?
It’s one year. When we commemorate the COVID-19 lockdown’s anniversary what should we remember and what we must remember every day?
It’s one year. When we commemorate the COVID-19 lockdown’s anniversary what should we remember and what we must remember every day?
The rollout of the NPR and NRC in post-lockdown phase is inevitable as the Modi regime will try to provide cheap labour pool to big corporate houses now.
By not refunding the fare for flight ticket cancellation during lockdown, an airlines like Vistara is causing severe trouble to poor migrant workers.
Yogi Adityanath regime could allocate 250 buses to rescue 7,500 students from Kota but his government and the BJP ignored the plight of migrant workers.
Though the BJP is withdrawing the Tablighi Jamaat narrative from its armoury, the assault on the Muslims and their voices continue through brutal repression
Why the migrant workers are suffering? Why they have to walk hundreds of miles or starve? Does India has no resource to provide them relief? What facts say?
It’s a time when the privileged are saving their class self-isolating while poor people are struggling for two pieces of bread
The Nizamuddin Markaz congregation controversy has given an opportunity to the Modi regime to distract the people from its failures in fighting COVID-19.
Is the police violence against the people merely to maintain the lockdown or signals the dress rehearsal of an obnoxious agenda of the Modi regime?
In view of the exodus of thousands of poor daily wage-earners from cities like Delhi, can one claim that Modi’s 21-day lockdown is a well-thought plan?
The mass exodus of millions of workers from metros to their native villages isn’t merely a result of the COVID19 outbreak but Modi regime’s sheer apathy.