Commemorating the COVID-19 lockdown’s anniversary: What must be remembered?
It’s one year. When we commemorate the COVID-19 lockdown’s anniversary what should we remember and what we must remember every day?
It’s one year. When we commemorate the COVID-19 lockdown’s anniversary what should we remember and what we must remember every day?
The rollout of the NPR and NRC in post-lockdown phase is inevitable as the Modi regime will try to provide cheap labour pool to big corporate houses now.
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the hypocrisy and the inhuman side of the privileged Indian society, which is happy to close doors on the working class.
The PMeVidya online education programme is launched by the Modi regime for school students. But which class of students can avail online education in India?
The importance of class struggle against the capital’s unbridled attack on working class was never felt as much it’s felt now, during the era of Coronavirus
The working class is subjugated and repressed by the Hindutva fascist state during the lockdown. But this won’t end them. They will return very soon.
The International Labour Day 2020 on May 1st, amid an unprecedented lockdown, is when one should look at the challenges posed to the Indian working class.
By not refunding the fare for flight ticket cancellation during lockdown, an airlines like Vistara is causing severe trouble to poor migrant workers.