Partition of Bengal – A saga of lost hopes and homeland
The partition of Bengal in 1947 is a forgotten chapter in history, although its trauma and pain are still visible in the lives of the people.
The partition of Bengal in 1947 is a forgotten chapter in history, although its trauma and pain are still visible in the lives of the people.
Even though there is a rise in violence against the farmers and marginalised minorities in Modi-ruled India, the western world remains nonchalant and mum.
Trump accolading Modi as the father of the nation has become a new yardstick for the Sangh Parivar’s nincompoops to measure “Indianness” of the people.
Since 2014, the BJP is continuously drumming its commitment towards the cause of the farmers, while on each occasion, be it in Madhya Pradesh or in Rajasthan, it didn’t blink before using batons and bullets to deal with agitating farmers. Now, when 30,000 farmers marched under the banner of Bharatiya Kisan Union to the national … Read more
The curious case of Nathuram Godse killing Mohandas Gandhi and the intricacies of Indian fascism, represented by the RSS and the Congress party.