Why does the ‘break the bias’ theme of International Women’s Day 2022 mock Indian women?
The celebration of International Women’s Day 2022 with the theme ‘break the bias’ mocks Indian women who reel under patriarchy’s juggernaut.
The celebration of International Women’s Day 2022 with the theme ‘break the bias’ mocks Indian women who reel under patriarchy’s juggernaut.
The Karnataka hijab row has been used by the BJP-RSS to deny Muslim women right to education, while the Opposition fell in the “hijab” trap.
When the BJP celebrates Muslim Women Rights Day after violating their rights and dehumanising them, irony dies a thousand times.
West Bengal’s schools and Madrasahs have microscopic presence of Muslim women writers in their syllabus, which exhibits an exclusionary policy
Can Yogi Adityanath retain the BJP’s eroding Dalit support base by using the “love jihad” bogey and by persecuting Muslim men using new laws?
Javadekar’s “Jinnah wali Azadi” ranting on Shaheen Bagh is another attempt by the Modi regime and the BJP to vilify the organic struggle of the Muslim women
By issuing threats of sedition charges and by criticising Muslim women protesting against the CAA and NRC, Yogi Adityanath is strengthening their resolution