Sithraman’s silence on the unemployment crisis during Union Budget 2019 is a denial of the problem

Sithraman's silence on the unemployment crisis during Union Budget 2019 is a denial of the problem

The Modi regime continues to deny the existence of an unemployment crisis. Nirmala Sitharaman’s silence on unemployment during the budget speech proved it.

Can Nirmala Sitharaman’s France Visit Clean the Rafale Jet Scam Trail?

Nirmala Sitharaman Rafale Jet Scam France Tour

Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman rushed to France soon after the Supreme Court ordered the Modi regime to present details of its decision-making process regarding the multi-billion rupees Rafale Jet deal. Serious allegations of a gigantic scam, which also jeopardises India’s national security, are levelled against the Modi regime over its dubious role in modifying the … Read more

Nirmala Sitharaman’s “Muslim Party” Jibe at Congress has a Heinous Plot Behind?

Nirmala Sitharaman called Congress a "Muslim Party"

When a crisis-ridden government goes topsy-turvy over issues and ministers start swapping their roles behind the backdrop, it’s time to comprehend that by hook and crook the tyrant and sclerotic regime will try to cling to power. As soon as Nirmala Sitharaman, the defence minister of Narendra Modi’s cabinet, decided to wear the apron of … Read more

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