Arrest of tribal people at Silger exposed Congress’s tyranny in Chhattisgarh
Arrest of tribal people at Silger exposed how Congress-led Chhattisgarh government unapologetically follows the BJP’s police-state template
Arrest of tribal people at Silger exposed how Congress-led Chhattisgarh government unapologetically follows the BJP’s police-state template
Ever since the Pune Police arrested five activist-intellectuals: Gautam Navlakha, Vernon Gonsalves, Arun Ferreira, Sudha Bhardwaj and Varavara Rao, and accused them of being “Urban Naxals” conspiring against the Modi regime, the term -“Urban Naxal”- suddenly became a popular political identity from slur, used so far by demagogues of the ruling Hindutva fascist bloc to … Read more
The session court of Gadchiroli, Maharashtra has convicted Prof. Dr G.N. Saibaba, JNU student Hem Mishra, former freelance journalist Prashant Rahi, Mahesh Tirki, Vijay Tirki, and Pandu Narote of being “Maoists” and sentenced all to life imprisonment, except Vijay Tirki, who was awarded a 10-year jail term. The case in which these six were convicted … Read more