Why does the ‘break the bias’ theme of International Women’s Day 2022 mock Indian women?

Why does the 'break the bias' theme of International Women's Day 2022 mock Indian women?

The celebration of International Women’s Day 2022 with the theme ‘break the bias’ mocks Indian women who reel under patriarchy’s juggernaut.

Karnataka hijab row: a standoff between Muslim women’s right to education and Hindutva fascism

Karnataka hijab row: a standoff between Muslim women's right to education and Hindutva fascism

The Karnataka hijab row has been used by the BJP-RSS to deny Muslim women right to education, while the Opposition fell in the “hijab” trap.

Yogi’s West Bengal visit and speech on women’s safety nearly killed irony

Yogi’s West Bengal visit and speech on women’s safety nearly killed irony

Not just Yogi’s West Bengal visit and speech on women’s safety but even the TMC’s defence smells of hypocrisy due to lack of moral strength.

To Mock Modi, Laugh it Like Surpanakha

Why Renuka Chowdhury's Laughter is Compared with Surpanakha by Modi?

There, amidst the roar of the laughter of numerous men, who kept grinding their teeth after hearing a below-the-belt objectionable jibe by their leader  towards a woman who laughed at his ridiculous speech in the parliament – called the temple of democracy, the spirit of Surpanakha, the sister of Rakshasa king Ravana, found herself abused … Read more

Victim Bashing Soaring Since Mass Molestation of Women in Bengaluru

The mass molestation of women in Bengaluru during the New Year's eve

The mass molestation of women in Bengaluru during the New Year’s eve brought back the barrage of victim bashing pouring in from all quarters and we can also see the political stalwarts trying to catch fish in the murky waters. The trail of victim bashing is long in India and around the world, however, over … Read more

People's Review