
Inside Russia’s highest civilian award to Modi lies corruption and cronyism

Since Russia officially declared that it’s bestowing upon Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi its highest civilian award — Order of…

Resignation of Nikki Haley Points Towards Crisis of US Imperialism

As the Donald Trump regime failed to counter the Russia–Syria–Iran nexus in the United Nations, the US Ambassador to the…

Why Iran is a Thorn in the Eyes of the US and its Lackeys?

What makes America furious about Iran? Why is Donald Trump so hell bent to destabilise Iran and turn it into…

White Helmets Terrorists of Syria Exposed When Zionist Israel Helped Them

The White Helmets or the Syrian Civil Defence, a quasi-terrorist organisation funded by the US–NATO–Saudi–Israeli clique in their bid to…

Kremlin Watch: Putin Retains Control Over Russia – Neo-Tsarist Imperialism to Grow

The inevitable and well-predicted result of the Russian presidential election didn’t surprise anyone, as Vladimir Putin won another six-year term…

Syria and Russia Must Retaliate Boldly Against the US Missile Attack

Following an alleged chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun of ISIS held Idlib province in Syria on 4 April, the Donald…

Fascist Tulsi Gabbard not a friend of Syrian people

Since the time Rep Tulsi Gabbard returned from a tour of war-torn Syria in January, her revelations regarding the facts…

Trump and the Muslim ban in the US

The US President Donald Trump signed an executive order in January, dubbed as “Muslim Ban” order, which was partially rejected…

26,171 Bombs in 2016: Obama Leaving After Spilling Blood

Famous Hollywood female actor Meryl Streep cried out and condemned the US president-elect Donald Trump for the latter’s mimicking of…

Assassination of Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov and the Syrian War

The Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov (62) was shot dead by an off-duty Turkish policeman Mevlut Mert Altintas. This…

ISIS Recaptured Palmyra from Syrian Army With US Help

With the advent of the Syrian Arab Army, supported by the Russian aerial strikes, towards Aleppo, the American government and…

The Mainstream Media Spinning Lies on Syria and Aleppo

As soon as the Syrian Arab Army advanced closer towards victory in its fierce battle against the Islamic State terrorists…

Corporate Media Deceiving World on Syria

(This article was first published in January 2016 in the previous version of People’s Review. Due to an incident of hacking…

Israel Conducts Hacking Attempt on Russian Cyber Security

(This article was first published in June 2015 in the previous version of People’s Review. Due to an incident of…
People's Review