The all-India coal mine strike must achieve success against Modi’s privatisation drive

The all-India coal mine strike must achieve success against Modi's privatisation drive

Amid the hyper-nationalist Sinophobic cacophony peddled by the mainstream Indian press, the big news of a three-day-long all-India coal mine strike got concealed. Thousands of coal mine workers of Coal India Limited (CIL), its subsidiaries and the Singareni Collieries Company (SCCL) will participate in the coal mine strike on July 2nd, 3rd and 4th to … Read more

Bharat Bandh of 10 September Shook the Modi Regime Despite Betrayals

Bharat Bandh Against Rising Fuel Price 10 september 2018

The 10 September Bharat Bandh or all-India general strike, more or less achieved success throughout the country, despite few sabotages from within and outside. The rapid increase in fuel prices and the utmost failure of the Modi regime in delivering on promises of development to one and many, fuelled the popular support for a Bharat … Read more

20 July Delhi Workers’ Strike Panicked the Ruling Classes Despite Media Blackout

20 July Delhi Workers' Strike

When the corporate-controlled mainstream media was busy broadcasting the updates on the no-confidence motion moved by a united opposition in the parliament against Narendra Modi’s government, they have carefully censored the news of a massive movement by a major power in the capital city. The workers of Delhi have gone for a one-day strike action … Read more

Protest Against Rampal Power Station Rocked Bangladesh

Bangladesh strike against Rampal power station in the Sundarbans

Photo credit & ©Mahabub Alam Khan On 26th January Bangladesh was undergoing a turbulence due to a pact that its government signed with New Delhi back in 2010. The people of Bangladesh spontaneously joined a nationwide general strike called by different left-wing organisations against the coal-fired Rampal power station, which is an Indo-Bangla joint venture … Read more

Workers of France fought heroic battle against Hollande’s anti-labour policies

(This article was first published in June 2016 in the previous version of People’s Review. Due to an incident of hacking the old website was pulled down and we could only restore the old articles in this section) Since the Nuit debout movement in March, France has erupted in protest against the anti-working class reform measures … Read more

People's Review