Modi’s Industrial Relations Code, 2019, launches the severest assault on the Indian workforce

Modi's Industrial Relations Code, 2019, launches the severest assault on the Indian workforce

The Industrial Relations Code, 2019, is going to launch the severest assault on the working class of India by doing away with permanent jobs in all sectors.

Sithraman’s silence on the unemployment crisis during Union Budget 2019 is a denial of the problem

Sithraman's silence on the unemployment crisis during Union Budget 2019 is a denial of the problem

The Modi regime continues to deny the existence of an unemployment crisis. Nirmala Sitharaman’s silence on unemployment during the budget speech proved it.

Why Modi remained mum on demonetisation during 2019 Lok Sabha election?

Modi's silence on demonetisation during the 2019 Lok Sabha election is deafening.

As the Lok Sabha election reached its last stage, the vitriol spread by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his colleagues reached the peak. Apart from bashing the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty and asking votes by criticising his predecessors like Rajiv Gandhi, Modi has brought the elections and the standard of parliamentary politics to a historic low. However, … Read more

Can Modi’s war propaganda hide the real problems for long?

Can Modi's war propaganda hide real problems for long?

On all media platforms the Modi regime and its sycophants are gloating over successful “Surgical Strike 2.0”. Can they hide the unemployment issue for long?

Lies and Fake Propaganda in Modi’s 15 August Speech

Narendra Modi addressing the nation on 15 August 2018

On the 72nd Independence Day, 15th August 2018, we, the people of the country, again experienced a refurbished repeat telecast of the same show that’s going on for the last seven decades, forcefully making each Indian believe that they are “independent” and “free”, despite being knocked down by severe poverty, starvation, lack of health care, … Read more

Modi Tried Suppressing Unemployment Crisis Using Fabricated Data

India Economic Crisis

Ever since he occupied the throne of New Delhi, Narendra Modi is accused of being media-phobic by the near-extinct scribes with their spine intact. Narendra Modi reaffirmed this truth that he can’t stand critical questions by refusing to meet the press for the last four years. Sheer monologue and utter disregard for two-ways communication prevailed … Read more

Modi’s Cheque ban is Another Disaster Under Construction

Cheque ban by the Modi government

Demonetisation and GST roll-out hit the Indian trade and commerce, especially small and middle-scale traders, industrialists and the broad masses of workers and farmers adversely and created an economic catastrophe from which the Indian economy shows no sign of recovery even now. At a time when the economy is crisis-ridden, the workers and farmers are … Read more

Piyush Goyal Claims Unemployment is Good – Height of Goebbels’ Propaganda

Piyush Goyal the new Goebbels of Modi government and his Goyalbbelist claims

Karl Marx said, “Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.” He gave names of his contemporaries, while we have Piyush Goyal, a prominent BJP leader and a crucial minister in the Modi government … Read more

People's Review