The Statue of Unity Established by a Divisive Government is a Farce

The statue of unity or farce?

Ever since the Narendra Modi-led BJP government was formed, everything that the previous governments and the Indian state’s own propaganda credited as the quintessential binding factors holding the country together as a united nation, started falling apart, quite unequivocally, paving way for new fissures to appear and widened the crack in the pot called India. … Read more

Know how the Pathalgadi Movement of Jharkhand is Causing Trouble to the BJP

The Pathalgadi Movement of Jharkhand is Causing Trouble to BJP's Agenda

The Pathalgadi movement of Jharkhand is gradually manifesting itself as the largest tribal movement of India in the 21st century. The movement that started with the demand of recognising the special status granted to the residents of the Fifth Scheduled Areas by the Indian Constitution is now turning into a serious battle between the Hindutva … Read more

Modi’s India is Vedanta’s Unless the People Fight Back!

Modi's India is Vedanta's Unless the People Fights Back!

The AIADMK is paying the price of its pro-Hindutva and pro-Hindi stance more than ever since it carried out the brutal massacre of 13 protesters in Thoothukudi, shot by the Tamil Nadu Police’s snipers, trained by the Zionist Israeli regime. While the police and the district collector, obeying the order of the AIADMK’s ruling E. … Read more

Thoothukudi Massacre by Hindutva Fascist State Can’t Scare the People Anymore

Thoothukudi Massacre Sterlite Copper

The brutal massacre of more than 13 protesters by the Tamil Nadu Police, controlled by the fascist AIADMK regime, in a span of two days, 22 and 23 May 2018, to suppress the democratic mass agitation against the Sterlite Copper plant owned by Vedanta Resources, a British mining giant that has all major parliamentary political … Read more

People's Review