Why did Putin call the US and the West Satan and neo-colonial exploiters?
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech during the accession of the new regions exposed the West and its evil agenda. Read to learn more.
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech during the accession of the new regions exposed the West and its evil agenda. Read to learn more.
Mikhail Gorbachev, the man who brought down the Soviet Union, is dead. But his dark legacy must stay alive to act as a reminder for all.
The EU members have denounced Russia of violating the “peace” that prevailed in Europe since second world war. Are they telling the truth?
Despite proposing peace talks amid the Russian military operations in Ukraine, what made President Volodymyr Zelensky evade dialogue with Russia?
The US and the NATO are sponsoring violence by neo-Nazi forces in Donbass region, intensifying the Ukraine crisis to trouble Putin’s Russia.
For the US and the west, the theory of a purported Russian invasion of Ukraine helps in stirring Russophobia and distract the people at home.
A fake news in the west that says Russian President Vladimir Putin has Parkinson’s disease is republished without verification by Indian media
Since Russia officially declared that it’s bestowing upon Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi its highest civilian award — Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle the First-Called — for playing a crucial role in strengthening the bilateral ties between India and Russia, the BJP started using the news of the accolade, second in the row after … Read more
The inevitable and well-predicted result of the Russian presidential election didn’t surprise anyone, as Vladimir Putin won another six-year term to rule the country that he is ruling since 2000 and reviving as a big imperial contender of the US-led Western imperialist bloc. With more than 76 per cent votes cast in his favour, Putin … Read more