Chinese Rulers’ Mao Paranoia Gets Intense With Revival of Red-Dissent

Xi Jinping Thought to elevate Xi Jinping in the CPC and thwart Mao Zedong's Thought

There is a new wind of dissent blowing within China, which is seriously causing gargantuan trouble to the ruling elites of the Chinese Communist Party, as this time it’s not merely western-influenced liberal ‘democracy-seekers’, rather, a new bunch of Marxist Peking University students, who are called ‘troublemakers’ in the official parlance, carrying the banner of … Read more

CPC 19th National Congress and the Xi Jinping Thought

Xi Jinping Thought to elevate Xi Jinping in the CPC and thwart Mao Zedong's Thought

The Communist Party of China recently concluded its 19th National Congress, where it adopted, for the first time after Mao Zedong, a guiding ideology that is called “thought” and is accredited to a  living leader – Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the CPC and the President of the People’s Republic of China. The adoption … Read more

People's Review